Van Oord: Award dredging contract Bremerhaven

Rotterdam, the Netherland – Brewaba, Van Oord’s German subsidiary, has been awarded a dredging contract in Bremerhaven, Germany. Client is Bremenports Consult GmbH. The project is executed in joint venture. The contract value for Van Oord amounts to EUR 7 million. Execution of the project starts on 1 July 2006 and is scheduled for completion four months later.

The project involves the construction of a turning basin for container terminal IV, the recent terminal for which Brewaba reclaimed the required sand. Some 2.2 million m3 sand will be dredged using two trailing hopper suction dredgers and a bucket dredger. The dredged sand will be reclaimed in Brake for the construction of an industrial area. Van Oord will deploy trailing hopper suction dredger Geopotes 15.