Petrobras hits hydrocarbons in pre-salt wildcat

Exploration & Production

Brazilian state-owned oil giant Petrobras has found hydrocarbons in a wildcat well located in the pre-salt Campos Basin offshore Brazil.

Petrobras informed on Friday that it has identified the presence of hydrocarbon in the wildcat well of block C-M-411, located in the pre-salt of the Campos Basin, in Rio de Janeiro state.

Block C-M-411 - Petrobras
Block C-M-411; Source: Petrobras

The well 1-BRSA-1377-RJS, informally known as Urissanê, is located approximately 200 km from the coast, in a water depth of 2,950 meters, being verified the presence of hydrocarbon in reservoirs of the pre-salt section.

Petrobras said that the well data will be analyzed to better assess the potential and direct the exploratory activities in the area.

Block C-M-411 was acquired in September 2017 together with blocks C-M-210, C-M-277, C-M-344, C-M-346, and C-M-413, in the 14th Bidding Round of the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP), under the concession regime.

Petrobras is the operator of the block and holds a 50 per cent stake in partnership with ExxonMobil Exploração Brasil Ltda. (50 per cent).