An energetic stroll down the Port of Rotterdam Pavilion

Outlook & Strategy

Navingo’s Coco Kossmann has visited the Pavilion of the Port of Rotterdam to get a feel of what’s happening at the industry cluster whose ambition is to become the Europe’s ultimate for offshore energy.

L to R: Joost Eenhuizen; Coco Kossmann (Screenshot/Video by Navingo)
L to R: Joost Eenhuizen; Coco Kossmann (Screenshot/Video by Navingo)
L to R: Joost Eenhuizen; Coco Kossmann (Screenshot/Video by Navingo)

Joost Eenhuizen, Business manager Maritime & Offshore Industry at Port of Rotterdam, took Kossmann on a tour, showcasing around 30 Rotterdam-based companies participating in the pavilion.

The added value for participants of the pavilion, representing Rotterdam’s offshore community, is seen in the ability to further deepen their mutual connections, as well as to display the strength of the cluster, according to Eenhuizen.

Commenting on the event, Eenhuizen said: “Everyone is now looking to see each other, and to get reconnected in real life.

“The offshore industry in Rotterdam is really based on interpersonal connections and to get the business done together. So, cooperation is key and nothing is more important to achieve that than to meet each other in person”.

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