Atlantic Action Plan Seminar Kicks Off in Spain

To enhance cooperation among the EU’s Atlantic Member States and their Atlantic regions in order to generate Blue Growth, the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European Commission is hosting the Atlantic Action Plan Seminar “Atlantic ports, logistics and maritime transport as drivers of economic development”, from 28 to 29 of April 2014 in Gijón, Asturias, Spain.

Atlantic Action Plan Seminar Kicks Off in Spain

The seminar will explore priorities in the promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation that will protect, secure and develop the potential of the Atlantic marine and coastal environment.

In addressing defined priorities in the Atlantic Action Plan, the European Commission seeks to encourage interaction and cooperation of stakeholders, along with an exploration of the opportunities and challenges for Atlantic ports and transportation systems.

The objective of the seminar is to help stakeholders learn about and devise ideas for projects that would meet the needs of the Atlantic Action Plan, in particular on Priority 3 “Improving accessibility and connectivity”, and that could benefit from EU or private funding.

Participants were encouraged to propose/suggest projects in advance of the workshop. These proposals/suggestions for projects could be then shared with other participants during the workshop in order to bring together potential project partners. Participants are also encouraged to think how they could secure finance for projects in order to be effectively delivered in the context of the Action Plan.

Press release, April 29, 2014