China: CIC and TMS Bulkers Managers Exchange Ideas on Future Cooperation

CIC and TMS Bulkers Managers Exchange Ideas on Future Cooperation

Mr. Li Zhengjian, Deputy General Manager of China Shipping Industry Co., Ltd. (CIC), organized, on December 20th, an evening banquet for Mr. Demetrios Koukoulas who is the General Manager of TMS Bulkers Ltd.

TMS Bulkers Ltd. is the dry cargo branch of Cardiff Marine Inc. In terms of gross tonnage, Cardiff takes the second biggest Greek shipping company who acts as a benchmarking Greek company and owns more than 100 vessels including bulk carriers, tankers, LNGs and drilling ships. In recent years, CIC has completed several ship repair projects of Cardiff with very nice co-operations.

Mr. Koukoulas affirmed the past good co-operations and expressed the strong willingness for future co-operations. Meanwhile, Mr. Li appreciated the big support from Cardiff and said that both parties should co-operate not only on ship repair but also for ship conversion, new building and offshore project.

During the banquet, the two high-level leaders exchanged ideas deeply and comprehensively. They analyzed the future shipping situation, discussed the possible fields to co-operate, and fixed the time to visit each other in the next year which laid a solid foundation for much wider future co-operations between Cardiff and CIC.

Press Release, December 20, 2012