Ensco set to lay off over 100 workers due to stacked rigs

Exploration & Production
Ensco 102 jack-up
Ensco 102 jack-up

Ensco, a drilling contractor with headquarters in London, will reportedly be laying off staff. 

According to BBC, the company is set to make over 100 employees redundant due to two rigs that had been stacked as a result of the current market downturn. Both rigs in question are jack-up drilling rigs, Ensco 70 and Ensco 102, built in 1981 and 2002, respectively.

The news agency quoted Ensco’s memorandum sent to employees as saying: “We are anticipating up to 117 redundancies.”

“However, in order to minimise this number, we are implementing a recruitment and promotion freeze and seeking voluntary redundancy.”

Offshore Energy Today contacted Ensco seeking confirmation of these reports; however, the drilling contractor is yet to respond to our queries.

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