Hoang Long resumes drilling offshore Vietnam

Exploration & Production

Oil and gas company Hoang Long has resumed the 2017 Te Giac Trang (TGT) drilling program, offshore Vietnam.

Te Giac Trang field is located in Block 16-1, in the shallow water Cuu Long Basin, offshore southern Vietnam. It is operated by the Hoang Long joint operating company in which partners Soco International, PetroVietnam, and PTTEP hold interests.

Soco International, a London-listed oil and gas exploration and production company, said on Monday that the jack-up drilling rig PetroVietnam Drilling VI (PVD-6) has now moved to the location of the H1 Wellhead Platform (WHP).

To remind, the Vietnamese government approved an updated Full Field Development Plan (FFDP) for the TGT field mid-February. Hoang Long submitted the FFDP in the final quarter of 2016.

Ahead of the formal submission of the updated field development plan to the authorities, the 2016 development drilling program on the TGT field in Block 16-1, the first since early 2015, started in November. Two infill wells, the TGT-27P and TGT-28P, were batch drilled by the PVD-6 jack-up rig on the H4-WHP in the central area of the field.

Soco also said on Monday that preparations to begin drilling the TGT-H1-30P well into the crestal part of the H1.1 fault block were completed, and the well was spudded on March 8.

The well will target the Miocene and Oligocene reservoir horizons. It is expected to take 30 days to drill and complete the well.

After the well is completed, the PVD-6 rig will move to the H5-WHP to continue the remaining, two well, development and appraisal drilling program.