How to Make Ship Operation More Efficient – GL Offers First “Fuel Saver” – Seminar in Istanbul

In today’s economic and environmental climate, fuel management and energy efficiency have risen to the top of the agenda for ship owners and operators. To assist them in preparing for these challenges, Germanischer Lloyd (GL) has developed a new “Fuel Saver” seminar. Ralf Plump, Head of Environmental Research of GL, and Dr Volker Bertram, Senior Project Manager of GL, will inform about a wide scope of fuel saving options, necessary for quick assessment of most promising options. Ways of optimizing new designs as well as ship operations offer ship designers greater flexibility and ship owners new economic opportunities. The first two-day seminar takes place on 25 and 26 May 2009 at the Green Park Hotel Bostanci in Istanbul.

The seminar focuses on energy conversion, combustion engines, ship resistance and propulsion, and saving fuel in hydrodynamics, machinery and operation. It is designed to give an overview of fuel saving options in design, re-design and operation of ships. Additionally, participants are being informed about basics of combustion, machinery and hydrodynamics to ensure a common ground, before going into options and related tools to make ships more fuel efficient. In joint presentations, the GL experts will look at current and future methods of reducing fuel consumption, and will highlight how to raise awareness both onboard and onshore on best practice for fuel management and greater ship efficiency.

FutureShip: Designing for Energy Efficiency
Finding the best parameters for the on-board systems and an optimal ship design are key prerequisites for efficient ship operation. To prepare for these challenges, Germanischer Lloyd established its new subsidiary FutureShip offering various services for ship operation, on-board systems as well as hydrodynamics of ship hulls in a “whole ship” approach. FutureShip provides the Fuel Saver family of energy consumption optimisation (ECO) services. During the seminar, GL experts will give an overview on the Fuel Saver product line which delivers a holistic catalogue of services with a common objective: optimising ship fuel usage to improve profitability, both for ships in operation and those yet to be built.

Target audience of the two-day-seminar are ship operating personnel, ship owners, ship designers, personnel from shipyards and the maritime supply industry. Working language will be English.

Germanischer Lloyd in Turkey
Germanischer Lloyd is a ship classification society and an international inspection, certification and technical consulting company for customers in the energy sector. In Turkey, Germanischer Lloyd maintains a station in Istanbul with ten surveyors. They take care of the newbuilding projects, Fleet in Service surveys, the approval of Material and Components, as well as compliance checks for ISM and ISPS. Moreover, GL carries out statutory duties on Turkey-flagged vessels (t.b.c.).

Ship owners, shipyards, the maritime supply industry and some 130 flag states are the primary customers of GL’s ship classification activities. GL employs more than 6,400 engineers, surveyors, experts and administrative staff in 80 countries. The global network consists of more than 200 stations and site offices around the globe.