Iran Discovers Huge Hydrate Gas Reserves in Oman Sea

Iran Discovers Huge Hydrate Gas Reserves in Oman Sea

Iran discovered huge hydrate gas reserves in Oman Sea which is equal the country’s total conventional oil and gas reserves, executive director of Exploration of Hydrate Gas Reserves in Oman Sea, Naser Keshavarz said.

He underlined the importance of using gas hydrate as replacement to fossil fuels, saying “After exploitation, every cubic meter of gas hydrate will produce heat equal to 164 cubic meters of gas.”

Keshavarz said the discovery has been made with the help of Research Institute of Petroleum Industry, exploration directorate of NIOC, and other domestic and foreign oil and gas companies in April 2011 in depth of 600 meters under Oman Sea, Iran’s SHANA news agency reported.

LNG World News Staff, December 19, 2012