MCP Builds Largest 4G Network at Sea for Statoil


Statoil has chosen Maritime Communications Partner (MCP) to deploy and operate their high speed 4G-network on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS).

Statoil and MCP have signed a six years contract with an option to extend for another four years. With that MCP will immediately start building “the world’s largest 4G network at sea”, the company informed.

This will greatly improve communications between platforms, rigs and supply-vessels. Initially 15 rigs, two light well intervention vessels (LWI), two subsea inspection and maintenance vessels (IMR) and 50 supply ships will be covered.

Mobile operators and technology have through time, transformed how businesses operate. A state of the art high speed 4G network will facilitate even more innovation and efficiency improvement in the oil and gas industry,” says MCP’s CEO Frode Støldal.

“This contract is a significant milestone in our offshore strategy where we apply an industrial approach, standardized infrastructure and a long-term plan for further expansion.”

The agreement includes existing and new oilfields operated by Statoil.

“Statoil is the leading operator on the NCS. The agreement is an important contribution in enabling a significant modernization of the mobile network and we are looking forward to cooperate with the company,” said Støldal.

MCP already owns 16 base stations on NCS that will be upgraded to high speed 4G during 2015.