Northland Cancels Deutsche Bucht Mono Bucket Project

Research & Development

Canada’s Northland Power has elected to permanently forego the installation of the Deutsche Bucht Mono Bucket Foundations Demonstrator Project.

As reported earlier, the installation of the two turbines utilizing mono bucket foundations at the wind farm in the German North Sea was paused in the fourth quarter of 2019 following the identification of technical issues.

An evaluation of the cause of the technical issues is underway and will not be completed until mid-year. Due to the timing issues associated with the technical review, among other considerations, Northland has elected to permanently forego the installation of the two turbines.

Deutsche Bucht comprises 31 monopile foundations and turbines, which were installed and operational ahead of schedule, with a total productive capacity of 252MW. The 31 turbines have been generating power since the end of September 2019.

The decision to not proceed with the Demonstrator Project will not impact Northland’s 2020 financial guidance since the contributions from the project were excluded from the guidance estimates provided, the company said.