Ophir spuds exploration well off Ivory Coast

Exploration & Production

Ophir Energy started drilling the Ayamé-1X exploration well, offshore Ivory Coast, on Saturday, April 29, 2017, using the Seadrill-owned West Saturn drillship.

The well, operated by Ophir Energy, is located on the CI-513 license. African Petroleum holds a 45% interest in the license, with Ophir Energy holding 45% and PETROCI the remaining 10%. Ophir took over the operatorship of the license in early 2016.

According to a Tuesday statement by African Petroleum, the Ayamé-1X well will target Santonian and Turonian turbidite channel complexes through a water depth of 2,835 meters, with planned total depth (TD) at 5,459 meters. The well is expected to reach TD in approximately 30 days from the spud.

Commenting on the news, African Petroleum CEO, Jens Pace, said: “This is a material milestone for the company and one which we have been working towards with our partners since Ophir Energy joined the license in March 2016.

“Since this time, the partnership has carried out technical work to decide on the best location for this well. The Ayamé West prospect that we are targeting has a significant resource number and a commercial discovery will be truly transformational for African Petroleum.”