Peckman River Report Signed

Business & Finance

Lt. Gen. Todd T. Semonite, Chief of Engineers has signed a Chief’s Report for the Peckman River Basin Flood Risk Management Study — a key milestone for the proposed project, according to the Army Corps.

Image source: USACE

This is a momentous day for residents long impacted by flash floods from the Peckman River. This project will reduce flood risk and improve resiliency for residents and businesses in Little Falls and Woodland Park,” said Col. Thomas D. Asbery, commander, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District.

The Chief’s Report will now undergo further review by the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works and Office of Management and Budget before formal submittal to Congress for authorization.

The New York District partnered with the New Jersey State Department of Environmental Protection on the feasibility of implementing flood risk management measures along the Peckman River in the Township of Little Falls and the Borough of Woodland Park in Passaic County, New Jersey.

The Peckman River Project recommends the following:

  • A 1,500-foot-long, 40-foot diameter double box diversion culvert to be constructed between the Peckman and Passaic rivers to divert floodwater from the Peckman into the Passaic River.
  • Approximately 2,170 linear feet of levees and/or floodwalls to be constructed along the Peckman River.
  • Approximately 1,200 linear feet of levees and/or floodwalls to be constructed in the vicinity of Little Falls High School, between the track and  baseball fields.
  • Channel modifications would be made along approximately 1,848 linear feet of the Peckman River near the culvert inlet to accommodate riprap and eliminate erosion and possible undermining of the proposed levees and floodwalls.
  • As many as 16 structures would be elevated so their main floor elevations would be to a final height of one foot above the base flood elevation.
  • As many as 38 structures would be wet flood proofed, and four structures dry flood proofed.

The next step will be the approval of the Chief’s Report by the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works), after which it will be sent to Congress for authorization.