Santos CEO Speaks at WGC 2012, Malaysia

Santos CEO Speaks at WGC 2012, Malaysia

Santos chief executive David Knox this afternoon addressed the World Gas Conference in Kuala Lumpur on the topic of unconventional gas, and in particular the situation in Australia.

Mr Knox’s presentation was part of a panel session titled Unconventional Gas: A Game Changer or a Global Bubble? It covered Australia’s abundance of natural gas reserves, the potential for LNG exports to be supplied from unconventional sources including coal seam gas and shale gas, and the future development potential for the Australian natural gas industry.

Australia already plays a significant role in meeting Asian energy demand through LNG supply and this is set to increase as new projects come online,” Mr Knox said.

Australia has the gas reserves and resources to support further LNG investment and secure our place as a leading LNG exporter. Santos, as Australia’s largest domestic gas producer, has a portfolio that spans the country, and our strong resource and infrastructure positions give us the confidence that we can meet both domestic and export demands,” he added.


LNG World News Staff, June 6, 2012