UK: EnCore.s Catcher Wells Could Contain 300 MMbbls

EnCore Oil plc  provides an update on the Catcher East side-track well located in UK Central North Sea block 28/9.

The 28/9-1Z well has successfully encountered excellent quality oil bearing sandstones very similar to those in the Catcher discovery well, with average porosity of approximately 34 per cent. Initial analysis indicates 82ft of net hydrocarbon pay over a gross interval of over 236ft. A core was taken in the main sand body which recovered 44ft of oil bearing sand.

The well was drilled to a total depth of 5,931ft Measured Depth (MD) and no oil water contact was encountered. Initial pressure data indicates a common pressure regime between Catcher East and Catcher and on this basis, an oil column of 267ft has been proven.

Initial analysis of the data indicates that both Catcher East and Catcher are likely to be part of a single significant oil accumulation.

EnCore and its co-venturers have now decided to drill an additional side-track to the south west of the original 28/9-1 Catcher discovery well. The aim of this well is to determine the presence or otherwise of additional reservoir sands not encountered in the original Catcher well. This side-track, to be known as the 28/9-1Y Catcher SW Appraisal, will commence following completion of the current Catcher East side-track operations and will take approximately 10 – 15 days, dependent upon weather and operational delays. This will be the final well in this phase of the Catcher area appraisal drilling programme.

The co-venturers will now integrate the information obtained from this drilling programme to determine the next steps for Catcher and an appropriate appraisal programme for the licence, which will also target other high potential prospects on the licence, most of which have now been significantly derisked.

Alan Booth, EnCore’s Chief Executive Officer, commented:

“The results of this side-track have confirmed that Catcher and Catcher East are one contiguous accumulation. Initial analysis of the seismic data, now calibrated by drilling, suggests that block 28/9 could possibly contain a series of discoveries that would form one of the larger North Sea oil accumulations of recent years. EnCore’s initial scoping analysis indicates that the Catcher feature (including East and North) may contain Oil in Place of up to 300 mmbbls. Further work will be needed to determine likely recovery rates. In addition, the surrounding prospects in the block, which have yet to be appraised, could add very significantly to this number. The Catcher drilling programme has to date delivered a truly exceptional result, and I would like to thank both our own staff and those of our co-venturers for their commitment to wildcat exploration in the UKCS.”


Source: Encore, June 29, 2010;