Unithai checks over Shelf Drilling jack-up ahead of Thai ops

Exploration & Production

Thailand’s Unithai Shipyard and Engineering has recently completed maintenance of a jack-up drilling rig for the Dubai-based jack-up contractor, Shelf Drilling.

The rig has now been moved out from the yard for operations in the Gulf of Thailand, the shipyard said in a statement on Tuesday.

Unithai did not reveal the name of the rig. However, the shipyard did say that this was the second rig of this type it had worked on as part of a series of continuing contracts from the same client.

Unithai Shipyard, which runs the country’s shipyard, provides marine and offshore engineering, repairs and maintenance and logistics operations.

“Our focus has shifted from ship-repair services inside the yard to providing a wide range of marine and offshore repair and maintenance services far beyond,” said Apichet Boonpuan, Project Manager of the Marine and Offshore Services Division.

Last couple of months have been eventful for Shelf Drilling. Namely, the driller in early April took delivery of a new jack-up rig, the Krathong, from the rig builder Lamprell.

Later in April, the driller announced its intention to expand its fleet with three jack-up rigs by conducting a private placement of new common shares to raise $250 million.

Soon after, it has been revealed that Seadrill reached an agreement with Shelf Drilling to sell three jack-up drilling rigs, West Triton, West Resolute and West Mischief, for a total consideration of $225 million.

Offshore Energy Today Staff