Anadarko makes gas discovery at Purple Angel prospect

Project & Tenders

U.S. oil and gas company Anadarko has recently made a gas discovery at the Purple Angel prospect in Colombian Caribbean deep waters. 

Anadarko is the operator of the block with 50% interest with the Colombian oil company Ecopetrol as its partner holding the other half.

Ecopetrol reported on Wednesday that Purple Angel-1 well proved gas presence in Colombian Caribbean deep waters, at 4.7 kilometers of the discovery announced at Kronos-1 well in July 2015.

A day earlier, Anadarko briefly said in its 2017 capital program announcement it had added to its previous exploration success with another discovery at the Purple Angel prospect.

According to the Colombian company, Purple Angel-1 well reached a total depth of 4,795 meters, including a 1,835 meter water table, and registered gas pay intervals totaling an estimated 21 to 34 meter thickness (between 70 and 110 feet).

Both wells confirm the potential of this hydrocarbon province, located in the southern Colombian Caribbean. Based on the information obtained from the two wells, it is estimated that the Kronos field has a gas column of at least 520 meters, Ecopetrol said.

The Bolette Dolphin drillship used in this operation began drilling of Gorgon-1 well last February 25 in Purple Angel block located 27 km Northeast of Purple Angel-1. The drillship is under contract with Anadarko until mid-2018.

The drilling of this well is part of the exploration campaign foreseen by Ecopetrol in 2017, with a 650 million dollars investment, which includes drilling five wells in Colombian Caribbean water.