April production beats NPD’s forecast

Norwegian Petroleum Directorate has announced that preliminary production figures for April 2014 indicate an average daily production of about 1 918 000 barrels of oil, NGL and condensate. This is 30 000 barrels per day (about 1.5 percent) less than in March 2014.

April production beats NPD's forecast

Total gas sales were about 9.0 billion Sm3, which is 1.4 GSm3 less than the previous month.

The average daily liquid production in April was: 1 526 000 barrels of oil, 315 000 barrels of NGL and 77 000 barrels of condensate. The oil production is 4 percent above the NPD’s prognosis for April and 2 percent above the oil production in April last year.

The Skuld field had reduced production in April due to technical problems.  So far this year the oil production is on level with the NPD’s prognosis, the government’s body said.

The total petroleum production for the first four months in 2014 is about 75.6 million standard cubic meters oil equivalents. (MSm3o.e.), broken down as follows: about 29.3 MSm3 o.e. of oil, about 7.8 MSm3 o.e. of NGL and condensate and about 38.5 MSm3 o.e. of gas for sale. The total oil volume is 1.3 MSm3 o.e., about 5 percent higher than for the same period in 2013.

Final production figures from March 2014 show an average daily production of about 1.525 million barrels of oil, 0.422 million barrels of NGL and condensate and a total of 10.4 billion Sm3 saleable gas production.


May 13, 2014