Australia: Beach Energy Updates on October Drilling Operations

Beach Energy Updates on October Drilling Operations

Australia’s Beach Energy has released its monthly drilling report for the month of October 2013.

Nappamerri Trough Natural Gas

In PEL 218, Boston-3, the second horizontal well to be drilled in the Nappamerri Trough, commenced drilling on 7 September. The primary appraisal objective of Boston-3 will be to evaluate the Murteree Shale in this part of the permit. Boston-3 has completed the build section and reached a landing depth of 3,188 metres True Vertical Depth in the lower Murteree Shale and will commence drilling the planned 600 metre long horizontal section.

The Geoffrey-1 vertical exploration well in ATP 855 commenced drilling and is currently at the intermediate casing point, at 2,612 metres.

Cooper Basin Oil and Gas Exploration and Development

In the gas exploration program in Queensland (Beach 23.2%, Santos 60.06% andoperator, Origin Energy Resources) 16.5%, Australia Pacific LNG 0.24%), the Bolah-1 well was drilled to total depth of 2,863 metres and cased and suspended as a Toolachee Formationand Patchawarra Formation gas discovery. The Kaiden-1 gas exploration well is at 2,087 metres anddrilling ahead toward the primary objectives, the Paning Member and Toolachee Formation.

In the gas development program in Queensland (Beach 23.2%, Santos 60.06% and operator, Origin 16.5%, APL 0.24%), the Munkah-13 well was drilled to a total depth of 2,388 metres and casedand suspended as a Toolachee Formation and Patchawarra Formation gas producer.

In the South Australian Cooper Basin Joint Venture gas development program (Beach 20.21%, Santos 66.6% and operator, Origin 13.19%), Cowralli-21 was cased and suspended. This well was the last well of the 16 well Cowralli pad drilling program, with fracture stimulation now in progress on these wells. The Kurunda-6 well is currently drilling ahead at toward its primary objective, the Patchawarra Formation. The Moomba-196 well is currently drilling ahead at 2,837 metres, with the Moomba-198 well drilled to a total depth of 3,354 metres and cased and suspended as a Toolachee/Daralingie/Patchawarra gas producer. The Moomba-199 well is currently drilling ahead at 2,843 metres in the Epsilon Formation. Moomba-198 and -199 are located on the Moomba North pad.

In the SACB JV unconventional gas appraisal programme, the Moomba-194 well was drilled to a total depth of 3,369 metres and was cased and suspended ahead of fracture stimulation to evaluate the deliverability of the Permian section. The Roswell-2 horizontal well is planned to evaluate the Roseneath Shale, with the well currently drilling a directional hole.

As part of a five well drilling campaign in the Zeus-Minos-Tennaperra field (Santos Group 70%, Delhi Petroleum Pty Ltd 30%) in southwest Queensland, Zeus-10 commenced drilling on 24 October. The well was cased and suspended as a future Birkhead oil producer. Drilling of the second well in the campaign, Zeus-8, commenced on 5 November and is currently drilling ahead at 498 metres.

LNG World News Staff, November 06, 2013; Image:Beach Energy