Canadian oil & gas player runs into cyber security incident

IT & Software

Canadian energy company Suncor has experienced a cyber security incident and is working on sorting out the issue.

Illustration; Source: Suncor

Suncor disclosed on Monday, 26 June 2023, that it was taking measures while working with third-party experts to investigate a cyber security incident and resolve the situation. The company also confirms that it has notified the appropriate authorities.

“At this time, we are not aware of any evidence that customer, supplier, or employee data has been compromised or misused as a result of this situation,” underscored Suncor.

The Canadian player points out that some transactions with customers and suppliers may be impacted while it gets to grips with this incident.

Cyber security incidents have become more common lately. In February 2023, Aker Solutions also revealed that its subsidiary CSE in Brazil was subjected to a cyber attack, which impacted its IT systems.

Prior to this, a ransomware cyber attack on DNV’s ShipManager software affected around 1,000 vessels.