China: CNOOC Limited Announces Appointment of New CFO

Business & Finance

CNOOC Limited announced that Mr. Zhong Hua will succeed Mr. Yang Hua as new Chief Financial Officer (“CFO”) of the Company. The appointment will be effective from 16 September 2010.

Mr. Zhong Hua joined CNOOC in 1982, and has been working in the oil and gas industry for over 28 years. He received his bachelor’s degree from Southwest Petroleum Institute and master’s degree from Heriot – Watt University in the United Kingdom. Mr. Zhong is currently the Executive Vice President and CFO of China Oilfield Services Limited.

Mr. Fu Chengyu, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of the Company said: “On behalf of the Board, I would like to welcome Mr. Zhong Hua, the new CFO of our company. I believe Mr. Zhong is well qualified to fulfill the CFO role as he has deep understanding of capital market, and broad experience in the industry and corporate financial management. Meanwhile, I would like to express my appreciation to Mr. Yang Hua and his great contribution to enhance the Company’s financial performance and competitiveness during his tenure. “

Mr. Zhong Hua’s Bio

Born in 1960, Mr. Zhong is a senior engineer and graduated from Southwest Petroleum Institute, with a bachelor’s degree in Oil Exploitation. He received a master’s degree in Petroleum Engineering from Heriot – Watt University in the United Kingdom in 1988. He joined CNOOC in 1982, and has been working in the oil and gas industry for over 28 years.

From 1982 to 1999, Mr. Zhong served as Petroleum Engineer,Expro Northsea Staff in UK,Deputy Manager of Downhole Services Company, Manager of Wei 10-3 Oilfield, Oilfield Superintendent of CNOOC Indonesia Project, Supervisor of Yai 21-1-3 HTHP Well Testing Project, Deputy Manager of Drilling and Exploitation Institute,Manager of Science and Technology Department and Manager of Administration Department of China Offshore Oil Nanhai West Corporation. From September 1999 to August 2005, Mr. Zhong was General Manager of Administration Department and General Manager of Development and Planning Department of CNOOC Ltd. From August 2005, Mr. Zhong served as Vice President, Executive Vice President, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of China Oilfield Services Limited.


Source:cnoocltd , September 13, 2010;