Commercial operation starts at LNG-fired power station Anegasaki new unit 3

Business Developments & Projects

Japan’s Anegasaki thermal power station new unit 3, which energy company JERA has been replacing through its subsidiary JERA Power Anegasaki, has begun commercial operation on 1 August.

Courtesy of JERA

As a result, all of the units from 1 to 3 in Anegasaki station have commenced commercial operations.

New unit 3 is an LNG-fired power station that uses a gas turbine combined-cycle power generation system (GTCC), and with a generating capacity of approximately 650 MW, it is expected to contribute to a stable electricity supply.

JERA said that, in regard to the station’s aging equipment, it will continue to move steadily forward in replacing it with power stations as it works to contribute to a stable electricity supply and reduce CO2 emissions.

To note, Anegasaki station includes new units 1, 2 and 3, as well as units 5 and 6. New units 1 and 2 have generating capacity of 650 MW and use GTCC, while units 5 and 6 have a capacity of 600 MW and use Steam. All are LNG-fired.


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