Danish duo to establish country’s 1st facility for handling captured CO2

Business Developments & Projects

The Port of Aalborg and Fidelis New Energy have entered into an agreement to establish Denmark’s first facility for handling captured CO2. 

Port of Aalborg

As disclosed, the plant will be located at Østhavnen in Aalborg, where from 2026 it is expected to receive up to four million tonnes of greenhouse gases annually, with the possibility of doubling the capacity in the future. This corresponds to almost 10 percent of Denmark’s annual CO2 emissions from all sources and half of Denmark’s possible capturable CO2, according to the partners.

In 2027, Fidelis New Energy will supplement the large facility in Aalborg with additional facilities in Kalundborg. The recipients of the facility will enable the commercial storage of or utilization of CO2 (CCUS).

CCUS is set to play a decisive role in the realization of Denmark’s national reduction target towards 2030. The project is the first of its kind in Denmark and Fidelis New Energy’s first in Europe, thus becoming a crucial component for handling European-captured CO2.

“We are very happy that the project in Aalborg is now being realised. The new receiving facilities will be an important part of our work to support commercially proven climate strategies of European companies going forward. The storage and utilization of CO2 is a central element in most national and international climate ambitions these years, but the energy infrastructure must be in place before we can really boost development. In this connection, the facilities in Aalborg and Kalundborg will be enormously important for the establishment of our future projects throughout Europe, and we thus expect investments of up to DKK 15 billion when the facilities are fully developed,” said Ulrik Dan Weuder, Managing Director at Fidelis Europe.

In connection with the establishment of the new facilities, which i.a. consists of 12 large cylinders for storage and a pumping station, Port of Aalborg is investing in the preparation of a new section of 270,000 square meters as well as in the establishment of a new quay.

Fidelis and the Port of Aalborg expect that up to 200 ships a year will call at Aalborg with imported CO2 from emission sources at home and abroad.

When the facility is completed at Østhavnen in 2026, the imported CO2 can be used, for example, in conversion to green fuels via P2X technology or to improve growth rates in greenhouses with Fidelis’ patent pending CO2PowerGrow technologies.

“We are also enormously proud to be part of this ground-breaking project together with Fidelis, which places Aalborg and the whole of Denmark as a decisive center for the future handling of captured CO2 on European soil. The new reception facility will promote the energy transition and, not least, create new and future-proof jobs both directly and indirectly as a result of derived investments and growth,” stated Kristian Thulesen Dahl.