Deltares to Launch Sea Cables Research Project

Business & Finance

Deltares to Launch Sea Cables Research Project

Deltares aims to team up with the corporate sector and top research institutes to launch an international research project focusing on the safe burial depth of sea cables against encounters with ships’ anchors.

The R&D project will be conducted in the form of a Joint Industry Project (JIP) named SAFETRENCH. Interested parties are invited to attend a workshop in November and/or a webinar in December.

Deliverables and schedule

While the first results are expected within a year, already two years after its start the project will yield deterministic as well as probabilistic anchor models and a guideline how these models can be used for cable protection analyses.

Participation and influence

Deltares is not just looking for Participants who want to join SAFETRENCH and co-invest in this research program. The Company invites active contribution to optimize the project in interaction with the participants. Important steps in this direction are now scheduled and consist of an informative Workshop and a Webinar.


October 31, 2013