DNV approves F550 TMCP toughcore for LCO2 Transport and Storage

Certification & Classification

Next milestone for voestalpine Grobblech´s F550 TMCP toughcore for LCO2 transport and storage.

Photo: HB Hunte Engineering

Classification society DNV has granted voestalpine Grobblech a new Approval of Manufacturer (AOM) Certificate for its F550 TMCP toughcore for liquefied carbon dioxide (LCO2) transport, marking a significant milestone in the world of carbon-steel materials.

With this AOM DNV verifies that voestalpine Grobblech’s F550 TMCP toughcore, an alternative metallic material, is produced in accordance with the DNV rules and the International Gas Carrier (IGC) Code for LCO2 transport and storage.

“F550 TMCP toughcore provides a completely new level of safety, toughness and cost-efficiency to the industry, making it a game-changer in this field. The material’s remarkable properties are set to revolutionize how LCO2 is handled and stored” says Regina Leidinger, Head of Sales Downstream.

Approval Certificate from DNV
Photo: voestalpine Grobblech GmbH

F550 TMCP toughcore product features
One of the main features of F550 TMCP toughcore is its exceptional ductility. Even in the heat affected zone (HAZ) at a design temperature of -40°C, F550 TMCP toughcore demonstrates positive Crack Tip Opening Displacement (CTOD) results above 0,2mm. This unique characteristic makes it an ideal choice constructing high and medium-pressure LCO2 marine tanks and ensuring secure handling.

Moreover, F550 TMCP toughcore is fit for Mechanical Stress Relief (MSR), eliminating the need for expensive and complicated Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT), facilitating the manufacturing process and offering a cost-effective alternative for these specific applications.

Meeting at DNV headquarters in Oslo
Photo: voestalpine Grobblech GmbH

The extraordinary combination of superior toughness, refined microstructure, and enhanced safety margin has set a new benchmark for LCO2 transport and storage. These outstanding characteristics can only be achieved by voestalpine Grobblech’s toughcore® technology, which allows for the formation of fine microstructures throughout the entire cross-section of the material. The result is a material that excels in ductility, strength, and weldability.

F550 TMCP toughcore not only shines with its lean chemical composition, featuring an ultra-low nickel content capped at just (max. 0.5%), but also demonstrates outstanding resilience at extremely low temperatures.

Rigorous testing has shown its impressive average energy capacity of about 280 Joules down to -80°C in Charpy V-notch (CVN) tests, setting a new industry safety standard. This dual achievement not only enhances the material’s commercial appeal by reducing the impact of raw material price fluctuations but also underscores its strong commitment to resource conservation, exemplifying responsible material engineering for a sustainable future. As the world continues to work towards the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050, carbon capture, storage, and utilization technologies are set to play a decisive role in achieving sustainability goals. F550 TMCP toughcore is ready to meet the challenges of the next generation of LCO2 carriers.

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