Dragados Sends Off Sverdrup LQ Jacket

Business & Finance

Dragados Offshore has delivered the 7,600-tons steel jacket for the living quarter platform to be installed at Equinor’s Johan Sverdrup field project off Norway.

Dragados yard in Puerto Real, Cádiz

The sail-away of the LQ Jacket took place July 30, from the company’s yard in Puerto Real, Cádiz.

Dragados Offshore’s scope of work included engineering, procurement and construction (EPC), preservation, load out, transportation grillage, sea-fastening and sail-away preparations for transport to the final offshore location of the Johan Sverdrup field.

This 4 legged lifted jacket will have an approximate total weight of 7,600 tons, a top of Jacket geometry of 40m x 28m and bottom of Jacket geometry of 45m x 45m, with a design life of 50 years.

The project was completed before the scheduled date and with no incident or accident during the project duration, Dragados said in a press release.

The Johan Sverdrup Field is located on the southern Utsira High in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea. It lies at water depths ranging between 112-116 meters and is located approximately 140 kilometers off the Norwegian coast.