Dredger Albatros Busy in Portland Port, Dorset

Business & Finance
Image source: Herbosch-Kiere

Herbosch Kiere – specialized in river, port, coastal and offshore projects – is currently working in Portland Port, Dorset on their first UK dredging project.

After a competitive tendering process, they were awarded the main contract for the dredging works at the outer arm of Queen’s Pier and the Outer Coaling Pier.

The works are needed for navigational safety of the planned larger vessels anticipated to be using the berths in the future.

For the project, the company is using the grab dredger Albatros and the new split hopper barges, Beaver and Otter (both have a 600m³ capacity).

The Albatros can be used as a dipper clam, grab or backhoe dredger and is self propelled, an ideal vessel for using in the removal of clays.

According to Herbosch Kiere, a total of 140,000m³ of spoil will be removed over a 14 week period.