EJA Operation Authorized by the Federal Government

The Federal Government, through the Special Secretariat of Ports (SEP) authorized the operation of Terminal Private Use (TUP) from Jurong Aracruz Shipyard (EJA).

EJA Operation Authorized by the Federal Government

The authorization was signed in late January, in Brasilia, the Minister of SEP, Antonio Henrique Silveira, with the presence of the EJA, Institutional Director, Luciana Sandri, and the EJA financial director, Mr. Siew Kamonn.

The authorization of the TUP operation is valid through the next 25 years and allows the operation of any type of load. So far, eight contracts were signed in the country, this contract was the first of Espirito Santo.

According to the Institutional Director, Luciana Sandri, the authorization is in compliance with the schedule of the company.


Press Release, February 27, 2014