FSRU Golar Tundra arrives in Piombino as Snam readies to launch new LNG terminal

Business Developments & Projects

Italian energy company Snam has completed docking operations for floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) Golar Tundra in the port of Piombino.

Archive / Courtesy of Snam

According to Snam’s social media update, the docking operations were safely completed on Sunday, 19 March as the company expects to put the FSRU into operation at the beginning of May.

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The FSRU, Golar Tundra, which was purchased last year by Snam’s unit FSRU Italia, has a regasification capacity of 5 billion cubic metres per year.

Snam’s unit announced on Tuesday, 21 March, that over 86% of the offered regasification capacity has been allocated at the end of the first allocation procedure.

The company noted that 37 slots per year out of a total of 43 slots per year offered have been allocated for the 20-year period between the years 2023/24 – 2043/44.

Each slot to a capacity of 171,920 liquid cubic metres of LNG, which is equal to approximately 105 million cubic metres of gas.

Snam said that the remaining six slots per year will be made available in a forthcoming allocation procedure for a multi-year period. The terms and conditions are to be announced by 24 March.

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Video source: Snam