Germans Issue Offshore Wind Geological Modelling Tender

Project & Tenders

Germany’s Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie) has issued a tender for geological modeling and reporting on wind areas in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea.

The tender is part of preliminary geological investigations on the N-3 zone in the German North Sea, and the O-1 zone in the German Baltic Sea.

In the German North Sea, the scope of work includes the transfer of hydroacoustic and seismic data, taking geotechnical information into account, into a 3-dimensional engineering geological depth model and the preparation of the geological report for areas N-3.5, N-3.6, N-3.8 and, separately , for the N-3.7 area. The N-3 zone is in close proximity to the Gode Wind wind farm cluster. The total size of the study areas is approximately 156 km 2. The distances to the nearest islands of Norderney, Juist, Baltrum and Langeoog south of the area are about 30-40 kilometres.

The final reports of the hydrographic / geophysical / geotechnical work, the documentation of the geological models and their engineering-geological interpretation with regard to the construction of wind turbines and the associated offshore infrastructure are to be combined in the respective geological reports.

Similar work is to be carried out for the O-1.3 area in the German Baltic Sea. The area is in the vicinity of the 350MW Wikinger offshore wind farm. It is located some 75 kilometres northeast of the Rügen Island covering some 30 km2.

The overarching goal is the creation of geological models and reports for the provision to third parties.

The tender will remain open until 30 March, and the work is scheduled to be carried out between 1 May and 15 November 2020.