Strong first half year for Boskalis

News – August 21, 2008

Royal Boskalis Westminster in The Netherlands has issued a statement outlining what it describes as a “strong first half year” and “sharp increase in profit.”

Headlines for the first half of 2008 include:
Net profit increases to Euros 202 million
Net profit excluding non-recurring income up by 40 per cent to Euros 110 million
Record revenue of Euros 938 million: + 24 per cent
Non-recurring net income from the settlement of the insurance claim for W D Fairway of Euros 92 million
Order book well-filled: Euros 3.4 billion
Structurally high market demand, with broad spread across the world
Describing its prospects for the remainder of 2008, the company said profitability for second half year is expected to be comparable to strong second half year of 2007, with higher revenue, high equipment utilization, and healthy operating margins.

More follows in subsequent issues of DNO.