Revus hit by Broom shut-down

Revus Energy has warned that its second quarter production numbers will be well down on expectations because of field shut-downs.

Revus said output for Q2 2008 shows an average daily production net to Revus of 5,445 boe/d. This is 15.6% below earlier guidance of 6,450 boepd.

Revus said: “The main reason for this shortfall is two unplanned shut-downs of the Broom production due to technical problems on the Heather platform, which receives the Broom production.

“Efforts have been made to increase production up-time for the future during the planned maintenance stop on Heather in June. There are no indications that the underlying reservoir potential of the field is reduced and it is therefore expected that these reserves will be recovered at a later stage.”

The average production for the first half of 2008 is 5,682 boepd, which is 7.5% below guidance.