Stratic readies for key UK wells

Canadian-based North Sea explorer Stratic Energy has said it will move forward soon on two key UK wells which could lead to new developments.

Detailed design is underway for an appraisal well on the Central North Sea Cairngorm discovery with the 16/2-5 drilling operation which is due to get underway in late November.

A drilling slot has been secured on the Byford Dolphin semi-submersible drilling unit for the Cairngorm appraisal, and a number of testing options are being considered for the find, Stratic has said.

Stratic operates Cairngorm in blocks 16/2b and 3d, with 50% equity.

Meanwhile planning is underway with operator Nippon Oil in quadrant 15 for another well on the previous Bowmore gas and condensate discovery which is due to be hit with the drill bit again in early 2009.

Stratic, which has 30% of the find, said Nippon is progressing with plans to drill a Bowmore appraisal well which will seek to test a deeper condensate and water contact area, along with a down-dip thicker sand section, “…Which, if proven, would significantly increase the existing level of discovered resource,” said Stratic.