Improving energy efficiency is on the younger generations

Business & Finance

Three representatives from the young generation talk about the role of the youth in the energy transition and the importance of sustainability in today’s Next Generation Perspectives chit-chat.

Courtesy of Navingo/ Screenshot

Host Eva Brouwer gathered Jack Landsmeer, chairman of A.S.V. Nautis, Floor Walterbos, student of Electrical Engineering at TU Delft and Ruben de Nie, portfolio manager at Damen, and part of Young IRO, asking them about their insights in regard to the energy transition, as well as personal plans on the matter.

According to Landsmeer, younger generations need to put their focus on accelerating the energy transition in the sailing business, but also in general: “As a next-generation kind of person, I think we are the key to improving our energy efficiency in the sailing world.”

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