Masirah starts production from second Yumna well

Exploration & Production

Oil and gas company Masirah Oil has started production from the second development well drilled in the Yumna field, which is located in Block 50 offshore Oman. Masirah has also already started drilling the third well.

Shelf Drilling Tenacious rig is used to drill the Yumna wells for Masirah Oil. Source: Shelf Drilling

Masirah Oil holds a 100 per cent interest in the Block 50 Oman concession. Rex International holds an effective interest of 86.37 per cent in Masirah Oil.

The first well, Yumna 1, was spud on 26 December 2019 and the first oil flowed into an Aframax tanker in February 2020.

The Yumna 2 well was spudded on 10 December 2020 and production started on 23 January 2021.

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Masirah said in an update on Monday that the well has been producing at a stabilised rate of 9,000 stb/d of dry oil. The rate is constrained by the size of the downhole electrical submersible pump installed in the well.

Yumna 2 encountered 10 metres of Lower Aruma sandstone with a porosity of 21 per cent, proving that the good quality reservoir sand is extensive to the north of Yumna 1; the permeability is about 2,000 md.

The reservoir pressure depletion over the first year of production is around 100 psi, confirming that excellent pressure support is provided by a strong aquifer.

The third production well, Yumna 3, was spudded on 20 January 2021, targeting a crestal location in the field to the east and up-dip from the discovery well GAS-1.

The production facilities on the mobile offshore production unit (MOPU) are being upgraded to double the liquid processing capacity in order to accommodate production from the three Yumna wells.

The upgrade is scheduled to be completed by the end of the first quarter of 2021.

On completion of Yumna 3, the Shelf Drilling Tenacious Jack-up rig will relocate to drill the Zakhera prospect which is located about 12 km to the south of the field. This exploration well is targeting a structure that looks similar to the field.

The Tenacious rig won a contract from Masirah to drill two development wells and one exploration well in Block 50 Oman in November 2020.

Dan Broström, Executive Chairman of Rex International, said, “When Yumna 1 resumes production and the new Yumna 3 is completed, we are looking forward to steady production from the three Yumna wells.

“We are therefore in the process of upgrading the present maximum liquid processing capacity to handle up to 30,000 bpd”.