ML (UK) Dredging ready for the Port Solent campaign

Business Developments & Projects

Annual maintenance dredging of the Port Solent Approaches will commence next week on March 1, 2022, according to the Premier Marinas Ltd.

ML Dredging

This routine dredging of the lock entrance and approach channel of Port Solent Marina will be conducted by ML (UK) Dredging Ltd.

“External contractors, ML Dredging have been instructed to complete the dredging works, with the intention of removing 6000m3 of silt and mud from the channel. The works will commence for three weeks, dependant on the weather,” Premier Marinas said in the release.

For this campaign, the contractor is bringing in backhoe dredger “WITTON II” or “BOXER” and one of its self-propelled barges, “SPLIT TWO” or “SPLIT THREE”.

As reported, spoil from the dredging vessels will be loaded into one of the barges for disposal to the NAB Spoil Ground.

The planned dredging works will start within the lock entrance and work outwards to the approach channel.

Berth holders are advised to take caution when exiting the lock as access may be restricted during this time.