More surveys scheduled at Morgan and Mona offshore wind sites

Project & Tenders

A geophysical and environmental survey is set to commence at the Morgan and Mona offshore wind projects in the Irish Sea on 1 June.

Credits to KIS-ORCA
More surveys scheduled at Morgan and Mona offshore wind sites
Credits to KIS-ORCA

Survey vessel Titan Endeavour will carry out the nearshore survey of the projects’ cable corridors for approximately one week.

The survey includes the use of a multibeam echosounder (MBES), sub-bottom profiler (SBP), side scan sonar (SSS) and magnetometer equipment during June.

This will include lowering equipment to the seabed to acquire environmental and geotechnical samples. Drop-down camera and grab samples will also be collected approximately every kilometer.

The survey area will cover areas inshore of the 15-meter water depth to approximately two meters. However, the survey vessel will only survey within a 1.5-kilometer width corridor within the area.

BP and EnBW won lease rights for the Morgan and Mona offshore wind sites in the UK Round 4 leasing at the beginning of 2021.

The projects offer a combined potential generating capacity of 3 GW, the maximum award possible under the rules of the leasing round, and a 60-year lease life.

Fugro is in charge of carrying out a geotechnical site investigation campaign for the two projects.

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