Norway: “K“ Line Offshore Awarded 2 PSV Contracts with Petrobras

Petrobras has recently awarded contracts for two Platform Supply Vessels from K Line Offshore AS. Both vessels have been chartered for a firm period of four years. The gross value of the firm period is approximately MNOK 500.

The new building KL Brevikfjord of STX 06 CD design and the UT 755 KL Arendalfjord will commence operations in Brazil this autumn.

“K Line Offshore AS is very pleased to have been awarded the two contracts with Petrobras. It has been our strategy to become one of Petrobras recognized service providers. With these awards K Line Offshore will be established in the growing Brazilian market. We see many exciting opportunities in the years to come and look forward being part of this development” says Katsue Yoshida, Chief Executive Officer of K Line Offshore AS in a statement.

“K” LINE OFFSHORE AS is a ship owning and operating company in the Offshore Support Vessel segment founded in Arendal, Norway in October 2007 by the major Japanese shipping company Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd.(“K” Line), together with its joint venture partner ADS Offshore AS (ADS) . “K” Line owns more than 90% of the Company, which is “K” Line’s vehicle in the offshore shipping market, and the ambition is for it to become a significant global player.


Source: Klineoffshore, June 15, 2010;