Norway: NTVA Special Award Presented to Arne Smedal and Kare Syvertsen

On August 16, 2010, Arne Smedal and Kåre Syvertsen was awarded the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences’ (NTVA) Special Award for their contribution to the development and commercialization of several breakthrough marine constructions, including loading systems that can handle high sea states and the Sevan floating cylindrical platform which combines high load carrying capacity of a ship with the motions of a semi submersible platform.

Arne Smedal and Kåre Syvertsen received their awards, diploma and memberships in the Academy, during the NTVA Technology Forum 2010, September 10, at Lerchendal Gaard, NTNU Trondheim. The awards were presented by Mr. Kjell Arne Ingebrigtsen, President of the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences.

NTVA Special Award’s articles of association stipulate that the award shall be made to a person resident in Norway who has showed excellence in development of new technology to the advantage of the Norwegian society as well as to the development of Norwegian industry. The award shall normally be made to one person, but may be divided between up to three persons if the achievements have been made jointly.


Source: Sevanmarine, September 19, 2010: