OEEC ’21: Intro to Netherlands Energy Technology Platform

Business Developments & Projects

The Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference (OEEC) got to hear more about the Netherlands Energy Technology Platform (NETP), as well as positioning the Dutch offshore wind industry from market experts on the first day of the event.

Courtesy of Navingo/ Screenshot

Our host Eva Brouwer gathered Danielle Veldman, CRM manager and project coordinator at NWEA and Wind & water works, Tjerk Suurenbroek, business development manager at IRO and associated partner of Wind & water works, Erik Nijveld, managing partner and co-founder of TechnologyCatalogue.com and Niels Veenis, deputy consul general at the NL Consulate-General in Rio de Janeiro for a little chat.

According to Suurenbroek, NETP is a wide platform, offering lots of information about offshore energy, from hydrogen, oil and gas, offshore wind, to carbon capture, among others.

“The goal of the platform is to make it easier for end-users wherever they are to find Dutch technologies, in the same way like you use platforms in daily life to find hotels and restaurants. This platform can be used to find technologies and really helps to see some specifics,” Nijveld stated.

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