OLT Offshore: Commissioning Phase of FSRU Toscana Nearing Completion (Italy)

OLT Offshore: Commissioning Phase of FSRU Toscana Nearing Completion

Commissioning of the regasification plant of OLT Offshore LNG Toscana is proceeding well and close to completion. The Terminal is fast approaching commercial operations, in line with the company’s program. The start of commercial activities is planned within mid December.

All the operations carried out until now have been performed following all the environmental and safety prescriptions issued by the competent Authorities (Ministry for the Environment, ISPRA, ARPAT, CTR and Tuscany Region), in compliance with the requirements of the Maritime Authority.

“We are very satisfied with the ongoing commissioning – declared Peter Carolan, managing director of OLT Offshore LNG Toscana – All the operations are proceeding in line with our expectations, thanks to the commitment and to the high competence of all the staff involved”, the company said in a statement.

As well as LNG regasification activities, natural gas has been entering the national grid under the direct control of Snam Rete Gas. At full capacity, the plant will have a regasification capacity of 3.75 billion cubic meters per year , about 4% of the national demand.

LNG World News Staff, November 13, 2013; Image: OLT