Petrobras hits new oil discovery in Brazil’s pre-salt area

Exploration & Production

Brazilian oil and gas giant Petrobras has identified the presence of oil in the pioneer well of the Uirapuru block, located in the Santos Basin pre-salt.

Illustration; Author: SP Mac

Petrobras informed on Thursday that the pioneer well is located about 200 km off the coast of the city of Santos (SP), at a water depth of 1,995 meters, with the discovery of oil in porous reservoirs in the exploratory prospect known informally as Araucária.

The well data will be analyzed to better target the exploratory activities in the area and assess the potential of the discovery, the company added.

The Uirapuru block, acquired in the 4th Production Sharing Round in June 2018, is inserted in the so-called pre-salt Polygon, under a production sharing regime, having Pré-sal Petróleo S.A. (PPSA) as manager.

Petrobras is the operator of the block and holds a 30 per cent stake, in partnership with ExxonMobil (28 per cent), Equinor (28 per cent), and Petrogal (14 per cent).

Featured image by: SP Mac