PSA finds irregularities in emergency readiness on Alvheim FPSO

The Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA) has found several irregularities during an audit of Det norske’s Alvheim floating, production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea.

Alvheim oil and gas field is located west of Haugesund and close to the boundary with the UK shelf. The field has been developed using subsea wells and a floating production unit, Alvheim FPSO. Production began in June 2008.

The PSA on August 13, and August 25-27, 2015, carried out an audit of Det norske’s management of maintenance, materials handling and emergency preparedness on the Alvheim FPSO.

According to the PSA, the audit was conducted as a meeting with the organisation onshore, followed by interviews and checks on board the facility.

The PSA has found several regulatory non-conformities relating to training and exercises using MOB boat, training in emergency procedures for cranes, documentation of lifting equipment, and scaffolding.

In addition, the PSA has found improvement points in connection with classification, planning and prioritisation of maintenance, own control of lifting equipment, corrosion to lifting facilities and MOB boat attachments, leak of hydraulic oil in the crane house, barrier diagrams for lifting operations, maintenance of lifeboats, and training and drills.

The PSA has given Det norske a deadline of October 26, 2015, to report on how the non-conformities and improvement points will be dealt with.


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