PSA Inspects Pipeline Fabrication for Maria Field

Operations & Maintenance

Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA) Norway has carried out an audit of Wintershall’s management of pipeline fabrication for the development of the Maria field.

Subsea 7 has a contract with Wintershall for the engineering, purchasing, fabrication and installation of the pipelines. The audit also covered Subsea 7’s fulfillment of its responsibility for complying with regulatory requirements and those of the operator.

No regulatory non-conformities were detected during this audit, PSA noted.

Improvement points were identified in connection with the work description for the operator’s on-site representatives for the pipeline fabrication, and with the organisation chart for the welding control function.

Wintershall Norge, the operator of the Maria field, located at Haltenbanken in the Norwegian Sea, has until March 27, 2017, to report on how the improvement points will be assessed.

The Maria field has been developed using subsea solutions tied back to various nearby facilities. Maria is scheduled to come on stream in 2018.