Seabed Preparation Starts for Veja Mate OWF

Seabed preparation work has begun at Veja Mate, a 402MW offshore project located 95 km North West from the island of Borkum in the German North Sea.

The Veja Mate offshore wind park will consist of 67 Siemens 6MW turbines using the “world’s largest” monopiles.

A two-layered scour protection system, designed to avoid natural scour erosion, using stones of select size and thickness, will allow for the post installation of the monopiles. Actual foundation installation is scheduled for April 2016, marking the construction start of the project.

Rasmus Miller, Foundation Package Manager, stated, “A lot of hard work, from both our contractors, and our Veja Mate project team has been done to get ready for the seabed preparation.  Beginning pre-construction work just 6 months after funding is an extremely short time schedule; I am happy that the Foundation Package has got off to a good start.”

Knud Andersen, Chief Operations Officer, added, “I am very pleased with our agile, high-performing international team. We at Veja Mate are seriously committed to making Germany’s energy supply greener by increasing its use of clean wind power.”

When fully operational in 2018, Veja Mate will produce over 1.6 TWh of electricity annually for 400,000  households in Germany.