Seabed surveys needed for two offshore wind farms in Germany

Business Developments & Projects

DanTysk Sandbank Offshore Wind GmbH & Co. KG has issued a call for tenders under which they will award a framework agreement for seabed surveys for the two offshore wind farms in the German North Sea.


The agreement includes scheduled and ad-hoc seabed surveys to provide data to assist the safe emplacement of jack-up rigs for maintenance and also to adhere to local permitting and regulatory requirements with regards to cable burial and monitoring.

The seabed survey may include bathymetric (MBES), side scan (SSS), and sour survey as well.

The duration of the contract is three years and it offers an option for renewal twice per one year.

The deadline for submitting applications for the tender is 16 September.

DanTysk and Sandbank offshore wind farms are owned by Vattenfall (51 per cent) and Stadtwerke München (49 per cent).

Located some 70 kilometres west of the island of Sylt, the 288 MW DanTysk offshore wind farm comprises 80 Siemens Gamesa 3.6 MW turbines that have been in operation since 2014.

Sandbank has been in operation since 2017. The project also has a 288 MW capacity and its 72 Siemens Gamesa 4 MW turbines are spinning some 90 kilometres west of Sylt.

DanTysk Sandbank Offshore Wind GmbH & Co. KG recently requested from Deutsche Windtechnik both standard and specialised inspection and measurement campaigns of the cable protection systems at the two offshore wind farms.

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