Sevan Marine Tows FPSO Voyageur Spirit to Huntington Field, UK

Business & Finance

Sevan Marine's FPSO Voyageur Spirit Deploys for Huntington Field

Sevan Marine ASA announced that the tow of the FPSO “Voyageur Spirit” from the Nymo upgrade yard at Eydehavn, Arendal to the Huntington Field in the UK sector of the North Sea has now commenced. The “Voyageur Spirit” let go of the moorings at 07:50 hrs Sunday morning, September 30, and is estimated to arrive at the Huntington Field early in the morning Thursday, October 4.

Carl Lieungh, Sevan Marine’s CEO said:

We are pleased that the Voyageur upgrade work at Nymo is now completed, and that the unit is on its way to the field where it will start producing and generate revenue for its owner and the field owners.”

The upgrade has included increasing the oil processing capacity from 20,000 to 30,000 barrels of oil per day, adding gas compression of 38 million standard cubic feet per day and adding 48,000 barrels of water injection capacity per day. First oil is expected before the end of the year.

The Huntington Partners are E.ON E&P 25 % (Operator), Premier 40 %, Noreco 20 % and Carrizo 15 %.


Press Release, September 30, 2012; Image: Sevan Marine