SGMF covers safe bunkering of LNG guidelines

SGMF covers safe LNG bunkering guidelines

Outlook & Strategy

UK-based NGO Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel (SGMF) has covered all aspects related to LNG bunkering in its publication with detailed guidelines.

Courtesy of Port of Antwerp.
SGMF covers safe bunkering of LNG guidelines
Courtesy of Port of Antwerp.

SGMF released its ’LNG as a marine fuel – Safety and Operational Guidelines – Bunkering’ publication. The NGO says this is the third revision which is the most comprehensive; it covers all aspects related to the bunkering of LNG fuel in a more detailed way.

The maritime industry is increasingly adopting LNG as the fuel for newbuild ships. This is the result of both environmental benefits and growing LNG bunkering supply infrastructure. Facilities are now well established in most parts of the world; there are more operational LNG bunkering vessels serving the industry than ever before.

The safe use of LNG as a marine fuel is a priority issue for SGMF. First published in 2014, the bunkering guide publication is now significantly updated and revised for 2022.

SGMF says these latest guidelines take a holistic approach and include the most recent operational experience. It includes:

  • design of bunkering vessels and facilities;
  • planning and preparation of the bunkering operations and locations;
  • guidance on safe fuelling operations.

This publication covers not only actual operations but also the actions and activities leading up to that final stage.

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The publication provides information relevant to all stakeholders; from ship owners and operators, suppliers of LNG as a marine fuel, maritime administrations, port authorities, terminal operators, and authorities.

“Bunkering LNG involves a range of potential hazards, but when good practice is applied and followed, the risks can be effectively mitigated. The overall aim of this new publication is to ensure that gas-fuelled ships can be bunkered safely, reliably, efficiently, and in an environmentally responsible way. It has only been made possible through the partnership, cooperation, support, and open information from of our members,” GM of SGMF Mark Bell said.

The publication addresses the specific requirements for LNG used as a marine fuel, as well as synthetic and bio-LNG. Its content may also, with appropriate limitations, be used as a reference for other low-flashpoint fuels and systems not specifically addressed in these guidelines.