Sierra Gold Corporation Announces Mining and Test Results From July 1 Through October 31, 2010

Sierra Gold Corp. undertook an experimental approach to the Sierra Leone rainy season and we are pleased to announce that through these testing and small scale dredging operations the company recovered 32 troy ounces of gold and 72 diamonds. John Semachko Jr., President of Sierra gold Corp. commented: “We learned a great deal about rainy season operations this year and I believe this will benefit us in both of the mining seasons now and in the future.”

Doug Evans, Chairman and CEO, left for Sierra Leone on November 11, 2010 to assess the current conditions and to ensure final preparations are in place for the upcoming mining season.

Currently, the rivers are still high as we wait for the harmattan, a hot, dry wind that blows from the Sahara. This commences the roughly 30 day process of lowering the rivers to a level that will enable us to start full scale operations.


Source: sierragoldcorp, November 19, 2010