Statoil Gets Nod to Drill New Well in Norwegian North Sea

Statoil Gets Licence to Drill New Well in Norwegian North Sea

The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) has granted Statoil Petroleum AS a drilling permit for well 34/8-15 S, in the Noregian part of the North Sea.

Well 34/8-15 S will be drilled from the COSL Pioneer drilling facility at position 61° 26′ 6.102 ” north, 02° 35′ 20.838 ” east, after drilling is completed on a well off the Faroe Islands.

The drilling programme for well 34/8-15 S relates to the drilling of a well in production licence 120, Visund inside, where Statoil Petroleum AS is the operator with an ownership interest of 53.2 per cent. The other licensees are Petoro (30 per cent), Conoco Phillips Scandinavia AS (9.1 per cent) and Total E&P Norge AS (7.7 per cent).

The area in this licence consists of 14.929 square kilometres (km2) in block 34/8 and 236.740 km2 in block 34/7. The well will be drilled about 200 kilometres northwest of Bergen.

Production licence 120 was awarded on 23 August 1985 in the 10th licensing round, Part A. This is the fifteenth well to be drilled in the licence.

The permit is contingent upon the operator securing all other permits and consents required by other authorities before the drilling activity commences.

December 13, 2012